Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Melbourne's Finest #2

Overdue thankyous, to Jodi, Alison and TQ for shared outrage and lovely buck-up-little-camper notes. It turned out to be nothing that a half-a-dozen mojhitos and some rock'n good friends couldn't fix (well, that's the short version anyway.) And a long overdue thanks to all who welcomed me to this world, particularly fond of George Hunka's description of minkshoe and myself as "contrarians". Speaking of friends, one of my favourite co-conspirators, Mila Faranov, exhibited as part of a VCA graduate exhibition recently, to left you can see a detail from "It isn't easy being me - pair of babies". Mila can be quite outrageous, deviant and caustic but her work here was playful, funny and sad.
Another piece that got me was a computer-generated animation loop from Hao Guo and James (hmmm, credits in my program look incomplete) "kick" & "snow fight with no dick" were downright disturbing, followed by "erection" a man with a lap-top on his, erm, lap...further description probably not neccesary...let's just say that I responded as someone whose relationship with his new powerbook was, at least temporarily, challenging to my significant organic relationship.


our man in berlin said...

George Hunka wrote: ""And a long overdue thanks to all who welcomed me to this world, particularly fond of George Hunka's description of minkshoe and myself as 'contrarians'."

Well, you folks have proven me right just out of the gate. Not, as you're probably finding, that it's much comfort. But you're more than welcome.

All best,

PS: Would've left this on your blog, Daniel, but non-Blogspot commenters seem to be disallowed."

our man in berlin said...

thought I'd post George's email (above) because I too love an undersatement and also, I had no idea I was restricting anyone from commenting, problem fixed, cheers George.

Anonymous said...

Cheers, Daniel!